RRGC members Kenny, FogBank, & SpeakEasy spent August 22, 23, & 24, 2018 onboard the Pacific Voyager in pursuit of fishing adventure.
The trip took us south out of San Diego into international waters about 20-30 miles off the coast of Ensenada, Mexico. Adventure was found, fish were caught. Weather was about perfect, warm with a light breeze. Food onboard was very good and beers were cheap. When the action hit it was hard & fast, so we were lucky to get any photos at all. There were 16 fishermen onboard this 65 foot boat, so we had plenty of room. The captain was good about finding fish, so we didn’t waste much time soaking bait. The bite was ON, or we moved out.

SkipJack Tuna is what you usually get in a can of tuna (unless it is albacore tuna). Very tasty when fresh, I’m told it does not store well frozen. Enjoy it fresh, share with friends until gone then plan the next trip.
SkipJack Tuna Recipe: Try encrusting with seasonings & sear on dry cast iron over medium high heat, about 90 seconds per side, leaving the center 1/3 rare. Flip once if even thickness. If filet is irregularly thick and triangular, sear all 3 sides. Serve immediately to friends & family.